Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nachos are a breakfast food

When Joe is working nights, we only see each other for about an hour in the morning when I eat breakfast and he eats dinner and an hour after work when he eats breakfast and I eat dinner.  We try to make the most of our times and eating meals together is important to me...but when it's dinner for one of us and breakfast for the other it can be tough to figure out what to eat. Enter, BREAKFAST NACHOS:

There's nothing really too complicated here, I used all the normal nacho ingredients (shredded cheese, salsa, japanenos, sour cream, I also like to add a little bbq sauce because I eat it on everything) but I substituted the chicken/beef guessed it...scrambled eggs!  It was delicious and you can eat it for breakfast OR dinner!  For a lower fat version, you can just use egg whites and substitute greek yogurt instead of the sour cream (that's what I did...pictured above). 

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